Baking / REAL Food
For a few years I have been making the journey toward eating more like our ancestors: healthier and cleaner. This has included learning to make and eat fermented foods like sourdough bread, kombucha, yogurt, sauerkraut and pickles.
As the primary household cook, I have been bringing my family along for the ride, of course. It is not hard to make these items, the more challenging part has been to allow our children to develop a taste for them. While these items aren't difficult to make, the greater challenge lies in helping our children acquire a taste for them.
For instance, I might suggest that secondary fermented kombucha can replace soda, but it's clear that despite both being fizzy, they're not identical. Some alternatives, like pickles, Ranch dressing and ketchup, are more readily accepted, but the standard American fast-food diet has conditioned us to expect and accept only a specific taste for certain foods. Anything slightly different is often dismissed for not tasting "correct."
Persevere! My children are learning to really enjoy these items, these REAL foods!
The joy of making homemade pasta with a mixer attachment. And they are SO delicious!